#version 330 core
out vec4 FragColor;
in VS_OUT {
vec3 FragPos;
vec3 Normal;
vec2 TexCoords;
vec4 FragPosLightSpace;
} fs_in;
uniform sampler2D diffuseTexture;
uniform sampler2D shadowMap;
uniform vec3 lightPos;
uniform vec3 viewPos;
float ShadowCalculation(vec4 fragPosLightSpace)
// perform perspective divide
vec3 projCoords = fragPosLightSpace.xyz / fragPosLightSpace.w;
// transform to [0,1] range
projCoords = projCoords * 0.5 + 0.5;
// get closest depth value from light's perspective (using [0,1] range fragPosLight as coords)
float closestDepth = texture(shadowMap, projCoords.xy).r;
// get depth of current fragment from light's perspective
float currentDepth = projCoords.z;
// check whether current frag pos is in shadow
float shadow = currentDepth > closestDepth ? 1.0 : 0.0;
return shadow;
void main()
vec3 color = texture(diffuseTexture, fs_in.TexCoords).rgb;
vec3 normal = normalize(fs_in.Normal);
vec3 lightColor = vec3(0.3);
// ambient
vec3 ambient = 0.3 * lightColor;
// diffuse
vec3 lightDir = normalize(lightPos - fs_in.FragPos);
float diff = max(dot(lightDir, normal), 0.0);
vec3 diffuse = diff * lightColor;
// specular
vec3 viewDir = normalize(viewPos - fs_in.FragPos);
vec3 reflectDir = reflect(-lightDir, normal);
float spec = 0.0;
vec3 halfwayDir = normalize(lightDir + viewDir);
spec = pow(max(dot(normal, halfwayDir), 0.0), 64.0);
vec3 specular = spec * lightColor;
// calculate shadow
float shadow = ShadowCalculation(fs_in.FragPosLightSpace);
vec3 lighting = (ambient + (1.0 - shadow) * (diffuse + specular)) * color;
FragColor = vec4(lighting, 1.0);