#pragma once


class AssimpGLMHelpers

	static inline glm::mat4 ConvertMatrixToGLMFormat(const aiMatrix4x4& from)
		glm::mat4 to;
		//the a,b,c,d in assimp is the row ; the 1,2,3,4 is the column
		to[0][0] = from.a1; to[1][0] = from.a2; to[2][0] = from.a3; to[3][0] = from.a4;
		to[0][1] = from.b1; to[1][1] = from.b2; to[2][1] = from.b3; to[3][1] = from.b4;
		to[0][2] = from.c1; to[1][2] = from.c2; to[2][2] = from.c3; to[3][2] = from.c4;
		to[0][3] = from.d1; to[1][3] = from.d2; to[2][3] = from.d3; to[3][3] = from.d4;
		return to;

	static inline glm::vec3 GetGLMVec(const aiVector3D& vec) 
		return glm::vec3(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z); 

	static inline glm::quat GetGLMQuat(const aiQuaternion& pOrientation)
		return glm::quat(pOrientation.w, pOrientation.x, pOrientation.y, pOrientation.z);